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Monday, April 30, 2012

Skema Regulator 3 volt menggunakan IC LM317

Skema Regulator 3 volt menggunakan IC LM317 This is based circuit of the LM317 adjustable voltage regulator with a maximum output of 3V/1.5A. The output voltage depends on the Pin 1 (pin ADJ) of IC LM317 or R1 and R2 values, so the circuit Can be modified to use with a maximum output of greater than 3V. while for the maximum output current is related to the package options.In 

Skema Dual Regulator power supplay +12 dan -12

This is of a dual regulated that provides +12V and -12V from the AC mains. A regulator like this is a very essential tool on the work bench of an electronic hobbyist. Transformer T1 steps down the AC mains voltage and diodes D1, D2, D3 and D4 does the job of rectification. Capacitors C1 and C2 does of filtering.C3, C4, C7and C8 are decoupling capacitors. IC 7812 and 7912 are used for the 

Skema 10 volt Regulator menggunakan IC LM723

This is a circuit of an IC LM723 voltage regulator. This IC has a voltage reference source, an error amplifier, a series pass transistor, and a current limiting tran sistor all contained in one small package. The device can be connected to operate as a positive or negative voltage regulator with an output voltage ranging from 2 V to 37 V, and output current levels upto 150 m A. The maximum supply 

Skema 12 Volt Battery Monitor by IC LM3914

This circuit makes it posible to monitor the charging process to a higher level. Final adjustsments are simple and the only thing needed is a digital voltmeter for the necessary accuracy. Connect an input voltage of 12.65 volt between the positive and negative poles and adjust the 10K trimmer potentiometer until Led 10 lights up. Lower the voltage and in sequence all other Led's will light up. Check that Led 1 lights up at approximately 11.89 volts.

Skema Regulator Variable Sederhana

Skema Regulator Variable Sederhana A simple but less efficient method of controlling a DC voltage is to use a voltage divider and transistor emitter follower configuration. The figure below illustrates using a 1K pot to set the base voltage of a medium power NPN transistor.