We do service the water conditioner, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washing Machine, Computer etc. Please call us 021-715 9448 5 - 081 281 3354 0

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blue color name

Blue Color Name
Aqua 00FFFF
Cyan 00FFFF
LightCyan E0FFFF
Aquamarine 7FFFD4
Turquoise 40E0D0
MediumTurquoise 48D1CC
DarkTurquoise 00CED1
CadetBlue 5F9EA0
SteelBlue 4682B4
LightSteelBlue B0C4DE
PowderBlue B0E0E6
LightBlue ADD8E6
SkyBlue 87CEEB
LightSkyBlue 87CEFA
DeepSkyBlue 00BFFF
DodgerBlue 1E90FF
CornflowerBlue 6495ED
MediumSlateBlue 7B68EE
RoyalBlue 4169E1
Blue 0000FF
MediumBlue 0000CD
DarkBlue 00008B
Navy 000080
MidnightBlue 191970

Green Color Name

Green Color Name
GreenYellow ADFF2F
Chartreuse 7FFF00
LawnGreen 7CFC00
LimeGreen 32CD32
PaleGreen 98FB98
LightGreen 90EE90
MediumSpringGreen 00FA9A
SpringGreen 00FF7F
MediumSeaGreen 3CB371
SeaGreen 2E8B57
ForestGreen 228B22
Green 008000
DarkGreen 006400
YellowGreen 9ACD32
OliveDrab 6B8E23
Olive 808000
DarkOliveGreen 556B2F
MediumAquamarine 66CDAA
DarkSeaGreen 8FBC8F
LightSeaGreen 20B2AA
DarkCyan 008B8B
Teal 008080

Purpel Color Name

Purpel Color Name
Lavender E6E6FA
Thistle D8BFD8
Orchid DA70D6
Fuchsia FF00FF
Magenta FF00FF
MediumOrchid BA55D3
MediumPurple 9370DB
Amethyst 9966CC
BlueViolet 8A2BE2
DarkViolet 9400D3
DarkOrchid 9932CC
DarkMagenta 8B008B
Purple 800080
Indigo 4B0082
SlateBlue 6A5ACD
DarkSlateBlue 483D8B
MediumSlateBlue 7B68EE

Brown Color Name

Brown Color Name
Cornsilk FFF8DC
BlanchedAlmond FFEBCD
NavajoWhite FFDEAD
Wheat F5DEB3
BurlyWood DEB887
Tan D2B48C
RosyBrown BC8F8F
SandyBrown F4A460
Goldenrod DAA520
DarkGoldenrod B8860B
Peru CD853F
Chocolate D2691E
SaddleBrown 8B4513
Sienna A0522D
Brown A52A2A
Maroon 80000

White Color Name

White Color Name
MintCream F5FFFA
Azure F0FFFF
AliceBlue F0F8FF
GhostWhite F8F8FF
WhiteSmoke F5F5F5
Seashell FFF5EE
Beige F5F5DC
OldLace FDF5E6
FloralWhite FFFAF0
Ivory FFFFF0
AntiqueWhite FAEBD7
Linen FAF0E6
LavenderBlush FFF0F5
MistyRose FFE4E1

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grey Color Name

Grey Color Name

Gainsboro DCDCDC
LightGrey D3D3D3
DarkGray A9A9A9
Gray 808080
DimGray 696969
LightSlateGray 778899
SlateGray 708090
DarkSlateGray 2F4F4F
Black 000000

Yellow color name

Yellow color name

Gold FFD700
Yellow FFFF00
LightYellow FFFFE0
LemonChiffon FFFACD
LightGoldenrodYellow FAFAD2
PapayaWhip FFEFD5
Moccasin FFE4B5
PeachPuff FFDAB9
PaleGoldenrod EEE8AA
Khaki F0E68C
DarkKhaki BDB76B

Orange color name

Orange color name

LightSalmon FFA07A
Coral FF7F50
Tomato FF6347
OrangeRed FF4500
DarkOrange FF8C00
Orange FFA500
Red Color name Click here

Monday, February 21, 2011

Red color name

Red color name

IndianRed  CD5C5C
LightCoral F08080
Salmon FA8072
DarkSalmon E9967A
LightSalmon FFA07A
Crimson DC143C
Red FF0000
FireBrick B22222
DarkRed 8B0000

Pink color name

Pink color name
LightPink FFB6C1
HotPink FF69B4
DeepPink FF1493
MediumVioletRed C71585
PaleVioletRed DB7093

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Akses Internet Banking

Access + menawarka cooperation in the form of the opening window that can serve a variety of transactions, such as: payment of electricity, purchase Stroom Steer electricity prepaid, payment of home telephone, internet, cable television, pay toll postpaid, purchase prepaid credit, banking transactions, etc. online via the internet banking. These transactions can be done at any time (24 hours).Click here

Friday, February 18, 2011

Notebook Acer, Toshiba , Dell

Acer Aspire One AOD150-1577 10.1-Inch Diamond Black Netbook - 6.5 Hour Battery Life
Dell Inspiron iM1012-687OBK 10.1-Inch Netbook (Obsidian Black)
Acer Aspire One AOD150-1577 10.1-Inch Diamond Black Netbook
Toshiba NB505-N508BL 10.1-Inch Netbook (Blue)

Microsoft Windows 7

Microsoft has unveiled the next version of its Operating System called Windows Phone 7 Series for mobile phones. Microsoft is including customizable “live tiles” that can update automatically with information from the phone or the Internet so as to make the interface more personal. Some of the tiles will update automatically while others can be customized manually. The interface supports an on-screen QWERTY keyboard and can support multi-touch interfaces in the same way as Windows 7 for computers. Another feature included from PCs is the Web browser. It is based on the same code as the desktop version of Internet Explorer. The vendors such as Samsung, LG, Sony-Ericsson and HTC have committed to offer devices running Windows Phone 7 Series.
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade

Thursday, February 10, 2011

LCD Repair

LCD Monitor Repair, Samsung, Dell, Advance, For all the brand / product you feelconfident / trust us please contact click here

Notebook Repair

We accept repair the notebook, Damaged total dead, update software, hadware, forall brands. Can you please contact via telephone             021-715 9448 5       Hp08128133540 we are ready to come to the place you our address

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mainboard Repair

Assemble the care, service, Soptware, Hadtware, Update etc.
We accept service Mainboard, VGA Cardt, LCD Monitors,
Regarding your time is very limited, so do not have to waste time looking for an experienced technician, in the field, you just contact us via Tlp.021-71594485-993 54 350 Hp. 0812 8133540 Our technicians are ready to serve answering your place.

Downlod google chrome

Why do I use google Croms exact reason for my reply
Chrome is designed to be fast in every possible way: It's quick to start up from your desktop, loads web pages in a snap, and runs complex web applications fast. Learn more about Chrome and speed.
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Chrome's browser window is streamlined, clean and simple.
Chrome also includes features that are designed for efficiency and ease of use. For example, you can search and navigate from the same box, and arrange tabs however you wish — quickly and easily.
Watch video
Chrome is designed to keep you safer and more secure on the web with built-in malware and phishing protection, autoupdates to make sure the browser is up-to-date with the latest security updates, and more. Learn more about Chrome's security features.
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And more features
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Replacing the color code

1.Sign in with your Google Account
2.Click Design
3.Click Edit HTML
4,cLICK Expand Widget Tempelates
5.Download Full Tempelat/Create a case of failure
Then find the following code</head>Store the code below just above its

Step two posts with the title cut and color code the following code and save / to see the demo here

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to Make a colored line

How to make the border color of an article that uses its own line just choose the color that we like script is simple enough to make our blog so beautiful. do not be afraid of your blog it will be hard Loding this scrip I have tried my own blog, just look at the red line of this blog, you are afraid of her blog to be heavy check here first

Please, copy and paste the script above is replace the color you prefer